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  1. S

    Common Commission Rejection on Awin

    Hi, I've been doing affiliate marketing now for a few years but recently decided to try a new industry. I've got an account set up on Awin, very common affiliate platform. Been making sales and getting commission, however one brand in particular keep rejecting the higher commission sales and...
  2. Honeybadger

    Meet Up Getting Started With Awin Product Feeds (Wordpress)

    Getting started with Product Feeds, a guide for WordPress publishers March 23, 2022 Set your YouTube reminder -->
  3. D

    Onsite engagement partner - deduping PPC?

    Hello, relative newbie here! Im looking at adding a on-site engagement platform to my programme on awin. Using panels to re-engage users who show exit intent. This partner can de-dupe against other affiliate traffic which is great but just wondered if anyone else works with similar partners...
  4. Honeybadger

    Can affiliate marketing make you rich in 2021?

    There is a good Awin blog post --> Can affiliate marketing make you rich in 2021? written by Kimberleigh Gardener on January 12, 2021 In 2020 many people lost their regular job because of Covid-19 pandemic and chose alternative income, one of which is affiliate marketing, this Awin post goes...
  5. K

    Experience With AWIN

    Hi All, I have created a website and I'm going to apply to the AWIN affiliate program. I was just wondering if anyone has done this before and if you have any tips/advice?
  6. K

    Rejected by AWIN and Unsure about Revembed

    Hi All, I made the rather rookie mistake of applying to an affiliate network before my website had actually been completed which is why I no doubt got rejected. I have read up on this and found that you need to build up traffic to your site and be clear on your marketing strategy so they can...