The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Indoleads

    Guide The Best Affiliate Programs for the International Beauty Day

    As September 9 rolls around, it’s time to embrace International Beauty Day with a splash of affiliate marketing magic! This special day celebrates the beauty of diverse products and trends, making it an ideal moment for beauty aficionados and marketers alike to spotlight their favorite brands...
  2. Jennifer Lieberthal

    New to online marketing

    My name is Jennifer, I am a retired massage therapist and receptionist. I worked in the massage and beauty industry most of my adult life, after getting carpal tunnel I was no longer able to do massage. I have worked in several types of businesses since then which was back in 2015. I tried...
  3. Healthbeautyfitnessfreak

    Eager to help whatever you want to know about beauty and fitness tips

    Hi, i would be happy to help you with any queries pertaining to weight loss, weight gain, hair loss, skin issues etc.
  4. kishore73

    Affiliates Wanted Looking for traffic in all verticals

    Looking foraffiliates in beauty,health, adult,crypto verticals on CPA/CPL basis. High payouts.No prepayment
  5. Alex_Chess

    Affiliates Wanted Beauty\ Weight loss \Nutra

    Recruiting experienced affiliates in the health/beauty space, US UK. If you are doing large volume, i ll work on pre-pay with you. Skype: asudjan
  6. Michael_Olavivo

    Offer Wanted Nutra + Ecomm Direct Advertisers Are Needed.

    Hi guys, We're looking for direct (owned by the advertiser only) Nutra and Ecomm offers. Please feel free to contact me via Skype and email at the below. Skype - live:kazula.michael83 Thanks a lot. Michael
  7. AffNinjas

    Direct Offers

    We have health/beauty/adult products - direct offers in several EU countries. Looking for quality traffic on CPA/CPL/CPC basis.
  8. Natural Revenue

    Announcement Great incentvies every month for Affs!

    Natural Revenue is now accepting new affiliates and one benefit with us is we have great incentives every month to keep our Affs motivated, because when you are successful we are successful! ;) For example our incentives for December were! - more than 100 sales: 100€ - more than 50 sales...
  9. Anna Davidson

    Introduction! :)

    Hi, My name is Anna and I'm an advertiser and publisher (blogger) working all across Europe, the US and also MENA region. Been an affiliate manager for a beauty brand for over 6 years now! Lovely to meet you all. Just checking in here to see if I can learn some more! Or maybe help people
  10. Direct Affiliate

    Affiliates Wanted DirectAffiliate network :)

    Welcome Affiliate Marketing Enthusiasts! My name is Hania and I work for Polish affiliate network as account manager. I am glad that I've joined this community because I want to show you how it looks from my side. Also I would like to find out what you like and not in your affiliate network. So...
  11. emily bizprofits

    Improve Your Landing Page CR with These Tried & Tested Quick Fixes

    I’m sure it has happened to you a few times in your life that you opened the stats in the morning and the numbers just weren’t what you expected them to be. How come, you’d think, the page looks good, but the conversion rate doesn’t! Before we jump into any quick fixes, imagine yourself in...
  12. purified

    Beauty / Skincare Offers? What affiliate network has these?

    Does anyone know what affiliate networks have offers for products like this one? dermaactiveserum dot com I know that eMediaTraffic and BizProfits have them in where the payouts are around $40/CPA. Anyone know any other affiliate networks worth checking out?

    Affiliates Wanted New CJ program - fragrances and cosmetics

    Hello, let me introduce new affiliate program Why We are the largest online retailer of fragrances and beauty products in several European countries (Germany, Spain, Poland and many others) We have been on the market since 2004 and in that time we've...