Hi, I'm running dating offers with ClickAdilla, but the cost is showing differently in Bemob. In ClickAdilla, I paid $0.1131 for 15,684 impressions, but in Bemob, 87 visits cost $0.142, which doesn't make sense.
ClickAdilla confirmed I'm using the right token for the cost in campaign URL...
So I have a domain with over 50 landing pages (e.g., domain(.)com/lp-1, domain(.)com/lp-2, domain(.)com/lp-3, etc.), all redirecting to the same offer. I want to track how many leads each landing page generates in only 1 campaign.
Bemob can show "Referres" so I expect to see each landing...
If anyone Had that problem with bemob?
I Got 3k clicks on richads push notifications campaign but only 300 registered in bemob? What's going on? Even my richads manager dont know. I use Wordpress to Landing pages if anyone will Ask, Thanks in advance for answer
I have noticed Bemob over 2+ years, they did not made any update to there system where Voluum got amazing features.
The main missing part of the Bemob is they do not have posting conversion from bemob to Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook ads like Voluum and CPVLab offers.
If Bemob staff...
Hi all,
Lately we got many requests from new users to help them import campaigns and settings from Bemob to CPV Lab tracker.
Just wanted to let you know that now you can import your Bemob campaigns, traffic sources, affiliate networks, landing pages and offers from Bemob to CPV Lab...
hey guys can anyone help me on how to setup crackrevenue with bemob and in landing page , i searched in youtube , google , i couldnt find anything
If you are curious about the test results but don’t care about the methodology and factors involved, here’s the
TL;DR version:
We have decided to test our tracker’s redirect speed using an external tool, and then compare it to other trackers’ speed.
Here are the results: we came on top in...
hello how are you
I have a problem with the domain or configuration
What happens is that I have the main domain in another hosting and there I have a wordpress.
but I need to create a subdomain to add it to a tracking system (Bemob) but when I configure the subdomain to tracking it is the...
Hello Friend how are you!
I have a little doubt about the landing tracker and offer (in this case bemob)
It turns out that I created a pre-sale landing type that when people click on the call-to-action buttons takes them directly to the payment form, but the payment link is masked under a...
i have created a custom landing page to promote Adcombo offer using their API.
that means visitor can order product from my landing without redirecting to the vendor website.
but i don't understand how to track conversion with bemob?
please help me..
I've run campaigns previously so I have experience setting up links but I've had setting them up. I'm looking for someone that can help me setup my tracking links in my tracker( bemob) with my affiliate network and my traffic source ( taboola) through a skype call. I will pay $ for this...
Hello Guyes
I started a campaign and i set it up on CPM mode for 0.5$. after launching it i received about 2000 visits but bemob on the cost section is showing me 0$ instead of 1$ !!
Any solution ?
Okay, guys, I’ve been using Voluum for a couple of months but since they jacked up their prices, I am looking for a good alternative now.
I’ve already checked up BeMob but I didn’t like that I can’t buy custom domains from my own account. That really disappointed me although it totally looks...
sorry for my bad english
I'm newbie I have to run first campaign Sweepstakes on propeller ads
- Tracking I use bemob basic plan
- Mobidea Sweepstakes payout $0.84 (I choose top offers ask from AM )
- Prelander I choose from adplexity
This geo target
I launch campaign 4 day
This my state...
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