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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. BidVertiser

    Announcement Direct Ads with Keywords and Brand Names

    Direct Ads have always been top converting among all ad formats because they capture the users on the exact second when they type a domain in the address bar, search a domain or click a broken link. On this exact second, we capture the user’s browsing action in one of these cases: Domain...
  2. BidVertiser

    Announcement Grow Local with BidVertiser

    We have some great news that we would like to share with you – Local Advertising is now fully supported by all of our ad formats! Now you can target LOCAL CUSTOMERS down the level of a local neighborhood. Local Advertising is the best way to gain customers in the surrounding area who may see...
  3. BidVertiser

    Announcement OS and Browser Version Targeting + Edge Chromium

    Hey all, Hope everyone is safe. We have just launched a strong targeting option which allows you to target all kinds of combinations of Operating Systems and Browsers. In addition, you can now target the new Edge Chromium as a separate browser. OS/Browsers for Desktop: OS/Browsers for...
  4. BidVertiser

    Announcement WebMoney is on, bonus included

    We have got some great news! We added WebMoney as a new payment option at BidVertiser. Such great news require some celebration - so we are giving 20% bonus on your next WebMoney deposit. Simply contact your account manager via Skype, email or the ticketing system after you make the deposit and...
  5. BidVertiser

    Announcement New Bid Automation Release

    Hey everyone, We have just launched a massive update of our Bid Automation. Its a really cool features and its doing all of the optimization for you. If anyone is interested to read more, we have sent a newsletter with more info so here it is: Platform News - Bid Automation, Mobile Browser...