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bing ppc

  1. abdellahi

    how to get low CPC with bing ads

    hi everyone it's been a while since i joined the forum but this is my first post here today i'd like to show you how i get low CPC with bing ads and also get some conversions for CPS offers. Most of IM say that bing and GAW are very costy and their is a lot of comptition well when i started with...
  2. Karmand93

    Over $32K Spent On Bing so far!

    Haven't posted in a while. And Please do not take this the wrong way, I just wanted to know...what's the highest you've spent on an advertising network. Here is my stats so far on bing, with an average cpc of about 0.20 cent. I bid only exact and phrase, but NEVER broad.
  3. godziwa

    BING PPC Journey. Won't Stop Till I Profit!

    Hey guys, I'm new to bing ppc and tried a few campaigns but lost money on them. I quit for a while and decided to create this thread to keep me on track, let others learn from my mistakes, and hopefully get advice from experienced marketers. I set up this campaign 3 days so I'll just update...
  4. azgold

    PPC Campaigns - When to Scale

    Okay, so you've got what you think is a winner. Is it time to scale things up? Saw this article on Kissmetrics and thought it might help answer the question. Signs That It’s Time to Grow You've spent considerable time testing and optimizing your ads, landers and campaigns. At some point...
  5. Tusohian

    Just Crossed Another Milestone of $1135.56 from JVZoo via Bing PPC Yesterday

    I really impressed and loved to work using Bing. Bing really helps me a lot to earn hige money via it's PPC facility. I really love Bing and mostly thankful to AffiliateFix. Here is my earning screenshot bellow. My investment on Bing : $337.21 Earning in total : $1135.56 Net Profit ...
  6. Hasan Al Bannah

    Hello Everyone!!!

    Hi I am Hasan.I am not completely newbie but i had more than 7 months gap due to degree course.I would like to start again with CPA offers, also very much delighted to be member of affiliatefix community. I will start a campaign very soon to promote survey offers from maxbounty with bing PPC...
  7. azgold

    Bing + Adsbridge - Finally Signed Up

    I've been wanting to try Bing for a while now. To date, the only PPC I've done is with 7Search. So, I finally decided to take the plunge while a $100 coupon was still available and signed up last night. Haven't started any campaigns yet but here are my Bing Newbie impressions thus far... What...
  8. jgimeno

    Problem getting traffic.

    Hi! I just started my first campaign for CPA using Bing Ads. The campaign is for Dating. After doing a research for keywords, setting the campaigns, the tracking, etc. I get more or les 300 keywords. I multiplied until nearly 900 by doing the same keywords for exact and phrase. Finally i set...
  9. b222b2

    I'm Totally New to online Marketing and bing ppc banned!

    Hey Buddies, I've been accepted in maxbounty network. Suddenly my bing PPC had been terminated for any reason. Also buysellads account has been terminated with my $100. Now I'm in some kind of depression. What about you there?