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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

campaign scaling

  1. Gala

    Official June Jackpot: Up to $1000 Cashback from Adsterra

    As summer rolls around, we’re keeping it hot with a sizzling offer that’s too good to pass up! If you aim to to optimize for max profit and love extra perks, this one’s for you. Make this June the month you get acquainted with our Smart CPM tool and get a hefty 15% cashback on your spend! The...
  2. B

    The leads came from low traffic volume website ids ! what should i do ?

    Hello Guys I'm A beginner in CPA marketing, I know the basics and have run a lot of campaigns before but never made it to the green section. Yesterday I tested an offer with direct linking and received about 20,000 visitors and 4 conversions. So I think the first thing to do is to filter website...
  3. affiliatelk

    My Campaign Optimization & Split Testing Queries?

    I have few queries in campaign optimization & split testing: How can I split test Offers, Banners & landers ? For an example if I have 5 banners, 5 Offers, 5 landing pages & How can I split test them ? Need to test the banner 1 with offer 1 and landing page 1 & Banner 2 with Offer 1 and...