This case study highlights how a crypto-based online casino partnered with Clickadu Advertising Network to achieve a remarkable 4.92x return on ad spend (ROAS) through targeted brand awareness and user acquisition campaigns. With a focus on strategic testing, optimization, and scaling, the...
Scanero from Zeydoo: how to work with utilities and how much it can bring
Zeydoo is here and we want to share a mini case study from our partner who worked with one of our offers – a mobile scanner Scanero. You’ll find out how the test went and its results, what the ROI was and if traffic from...
Traffic Source: TacoLoco
Advertising format: Push notifications
Period: 11.11.21 — 25.11.21
Network: Affmy
Offers: Smartlink
Cost: $1685.41
Revenue: $2205.2
Profit: $519.79
ROI: 30,84%
We have been working with TacoLoco for a long time and can mark the...
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