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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. RevenueLab

    Why Cloaking is Crucial in Affiliate Marketing?

    If you're into traffic arbitrage, you’ve probably heard of cloaking. It's a tool that helps you bypass the strict rules on ad platforms like Google and Facebook. For those who are willing to take a few risks and really get the hang of it, cloaking becomes a powerful way to secure high-quality...
  2. RevenueLab

    Cloaking in Arbitrage: How to Use It and Why You Need It

    Cloaking is an essential tool for traffic arbitrage, especially if you work with platforms like Google or Facebook that have strict moderation rules. It allows you to show different content to moderators and real users, helping you bypass platform restrictions and protect your campaigns. What...
  3. Graybeard

    Joey Blackhat -- A Cloaking Fantasy

    Joey knows that the game can’t last forever and the penalties for getting caught are severe. Yet, as he stares at the screen, a smirk forms on his lips. The rush of bragging, the thrill of outsmarting the giants. Wash rinse and repeat until you get banned over and over.
  4. YeezyPay

    How to Cloak Google Ads and How This Process Differs From Facebook Ads

    Google Ads is widely recognized as the most powerful advertising network for affiliate marketing due to its ability to draw in targeted traffic. Unlike other platforms, Google offers a robust set of marketing tools, a huge audience, and consistently enhances its algorithms and protection against...
  5. SEOwarez

    SEO Cloaking to increase profits

    when you create affiliate pages you still have to wait for users to click on your ads. with cloaking you can send the traffic directly to affiliate offers which increases your conversion rate! also you can create sites that are specifically optimized for search engine bots instead of real users...
  6. M


    hey i'm new to affiliate and i was approved for some CPA offers. i will be using Facebook. can someone help me understand Cloaking better? how it works? how to properly use it? maybe share a link so i can understand it better???
  7. MarketCall

    Affiliates Wanted Need affiliates that cloak Facebook (CBD)

    Looking for affiliates that can cloak Facebook. Our offer is CBD related: CBD Oil CBD Gummies CBD pain patches
  8. Blicktor

    Is my campaign in danger?

    Hi everyone How do affiliates protect their campaigns from spy tools? Any information (articles, videos, threads) would be highly appreciated Thank you
  9. Jones GR

    Ask Me Anything [GUIDE - $100k In Profit] Make Money With Adsense Using Pinterest

    As you may know by now, with GeoRequest WordPress plugin, you can display any HTML landing page based on referrer. So in this guide, we will show you how to display Adsense ads on the landing page and receive high CTR %5-%10 on complete autopilot. 1. Setup Plugin Settings Create new...
  10. Jones GR

    Finally I've decided to be part of AffiliateFix community!

    Hello, My name is Jones! :) I have known about AffiliateFix forum for a while, but never have I joined it due to some unknown reasons.** (Maybe because I thought I can be successful without others help or suggestions) ** Last 4 years of my life, I have been full time marketer and mainly...
  11. affiliatelk

    Ask Me Anything How to setup cloaker to running ads on facebook?

    Hi, Is there anyone can clearly explain me on, How can I setup cloaker and or tracker that supports file_get_contents() in PHP to show facebook bots the safepage, while showing real users the ‘money site’ all on the same URL ? Advice me which one is the cheap and best cloaker ? What is...
  12. R

    Adword Cloaking

    how to cloak affiliate links , on Adwords..??? what are best ways ..??
  13. MinhN

    Cloaking Facebook, Instagram and Google Adwords with Keitaro

    For cloaking we need: 1. A safe page, which will be shown to moderators and advertising network bos. 2. An offer, money page. 3. Keitaro tracker. 4. A domain for tracker. Prepare a safe page Below is one of the ways to create a safe page. Find a landing page, which doesn’t violate advertising...
  14. Kc-Tan

    Landing Page Cloaking

    Hi everyone, (affiliates & affiliates manager) === * Is it a good practice to show my landers to the (network/ affiliate manager)? * If not, how can i deal with their terms ("Landing page must be approved") ?
  15. Cloaker

    Selling Cloaking Solution for $20 per month per campaign

    AffiliateFix Members, your forum has helped me many times over the last years and I often found interesting otherwise-hard-to-get deals here. Today, I may be able to give you such a deal (check "Who is this deal for" @ end of article). I am a PPC marketer and well-versed in anything...
  16. SEOwarez

    Selling ⛺⛺⛺ Advanced Cloaking Solution For Wordpress ⚡ Increase Leads & Sales! ⛺⛺⛺

    SCREENSHOT: Imagine how much traffic you lose on your own landing/buffer pages that just doesn't click through to the offer you are promoting! Now you can send all that traffic DIRECTLY to your affiliate/CPA network, which usually results in higher commissions. Normally its not so easy to...
  17. N

    Looking For Adwords cloaking guide

    Hi there! Any fresh info about adwords cloaking? PM me plz (rdy to pay for active methods)
  18. David Hoch

    cloaking system

    Hi guys, Do you think that with cloaking system its possible to make money in the affiliate world ?
  19. A

    Selling Ads Cloaker For those who don't know what a cloaker is, it's basically where you show "good" traffic your real page, and "bad" traffic a fake page. It's often used on Google and Facebook ads to make Google/Facebook see something compliant while everyone else sees your lander. I'm offering a 3...