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cloaking software

  1. SEOwarez

    SEO Cloaking to increase profits

    when you create affiliate pages you still have to wait for users to click on your ads. with cloaking you can send the traffic directly to affiliate offers which increases your conversion rate! also you can create sites that are specifically optimized for search engine bots instead of real users...
  2. MinhN

    Cloaking Facebook, Instagram and Google Adwords with Keitaro

    For cloaking we need: 1. A safe page, which will be shown to moderators and advertising network bos. 2. An offer, money page. 3. Keitaro tracker. 4. A domain for tracker. Prepare a safe page Below is one of the ways to create a safe page. Find a landing page, which doesn’t violate advertising...
  3. Cloaker

    Selling Cloaking Solution for $20 per month per campaign

    AffiliateFix Members, your forum has helped me many times over the last years and I often found interesting otherwise-hard-to-get deals here. Today, I may be able to give you such a deal (check "Who is this deal for" @ end of article). I am a PPC marketer and well-versed in anything...