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  1. asmadeus08

    IG comment mentions

    Guys need help. Looking for advice about IG comment mentions. Is it work nowadays? And i'm not talking about mass spam comment mentions. I'm talking about mentions of targeted users. How much i can tag per one comment under my photo. How fast i can do that and what is the best schedule type? Is...
  2. notoriouskrock

    Getting Blog Comments Approved?

    I can't remember, but I think I found a thread on affiliatefix about getting blog comments approved for backlinks? Anyway, My question is how do you get blog comments approved from niche related blogs and websites. I find niches by using footprints that allow you to type in your website name...
  3. adidam

    Spy Facebook Pages

    Hello, I would like to know what are the top shared, commented and liked posts of the pages? Is there any tool which can help me with that? Thanks