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copy websites

  1. AmNovice

    Article Layout & Design

    Hey all, hope you are well! How do you design your article layout? Do you ever do any fancy designs and backgrounds or do you just focus on the copy over a white background and keep it simple? I have detailed copy that's of good quality and now I can't decide if it's necessary for the...
  2. Stencil

    Cloned Websites Stealing Google Rankings

    We often speak of black hat SEO tactics and content scraping sites are just one example of such tactics. Scraping is the act of copying all content from a website using automated scripts, usually with the intention of stealing content or completely cloning the victim’s site. Lately we have been...
  3. affiliatelk

    How to rip websites and upload it to our Cpanel?

    Hi, Is there anyone can clearly explain me, How to rip our competitors websites and upload it to our Cpanel Addon domains? Thanks