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cpa affiliate on fb

  1. smx666

    introduce yourself

    Hi everyone, I'm Lily Kaer from the US. I'm a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) specializing in financial analysis and tax strategy. Excited to connect and share insights with this community!
  2. tiberiomkt

    Sweepstake offers on FB ADS

    Hello everybody, How are you? I recently started in CPA Marketing and became very interested in sweepstake offers. Today I promote on FB ADS and I have few results. I would like your help to be able to set up a funnel to advertise on facebook and how can I track conversions in order to optimize...
  3. Vadim Alfaleads

    Alfaleads looking for affiliates:)

    Hello, everyone and nice to join your community! My name is Vadim, I am an affiliate manager in Alfaleads. We are one of the biggest gambling affiliate networks in industry and offering the best deals from top brands, web view apps for FB, Tik-Tok and UAC, quick withdrawal of your funds and more...

    Ask Me Anything How to Scale Up Facebook Campaigns with Blackhat Offers in 2019

    How to Scale Up Facebook Campaigns with Blackhat Offers in 2019 Forget seeing other Facebook campaigns flop and learn the ins and outs of how to scale up Facebook campaigns with blackhat offers in 2019. Taking advantage of the limitless possibilities of the advertising platform of Facebook can...
  5. Powerhouse Affiliate

    How to run CPA Affiliate Offers on Facebook without getting banned?

    It has been observed that Facebook bans CPA Affiliate Offers but there are some strategies that one should implement in order to run successful CPA Affiliate on Facebook without getting banned. What should be done?