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cpa marketing newbie

  1. Harshit_770

    Seeking Help Help for CPA + incentive traffic

    So there is offer that I found which allows incent traffic and gives you $10.7 per lead other network offers $16 for same offer ( not confident that I will be approved ) Geos :- 3 countries There is a 1-2 days task to be completed. I don't have money rn can anybody tell me where can I buy...
  2. S

    Trying to do CPA marketing

    Hello everyone! I'm a Newbie. Please tell me as a beginner which CPA platform will be best for me?
  3. S

    Which Email Submit Cpa offer(For tier4 countries) should I promote on Microworkers

    Please help me to find out really converting Email Submit CPA offer which works in tier 4 countries such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Because I have invested 10$ in microworkers account and I tested some indian email and pin submit offers on whatsapp traffic that are not converting that's why...
  4. wayne111

    Wayne Says Hello

    I am excited to learn the process of promoting and making money from CPA offers. Currently started with CPA Grid (first Month)- and using Microworkers.
  5. C

    Question About CPA Marketing

    I was looking for information about marketing MaxBounty CPA offers via e-mail. I have an e-mail list (small one) and was wondering what the best way to market a CPA offer via this method (i.e. contextual, banner, etc.) Does the e-mail have to be in a particular format?, Which link to include...
  6. C

    Affiliates Wanted NO LONGER AVAILABLE

  7. C

    [GUIDE] The Ultimate Bing + CPA/Clickbank guide You'll ever need

  8. netabdo

    How to use Facebook ads with cpa offers ?

    Hi there, Thanks in advance for this fabulous forum also for your responses. My story with cpa started a year ago, I discovered that exist something great im E-marketing called cpa . After that I made a lot of searches also reading ebook and more than that I follow a tutorial videos, I get a...

    Ahmed from EGYPT, Affiliate marketer since three years

    I am doing marketing since three years, i joined dozens of unhelpful programs, get frustrated till one week ago when i accepted through adwork media network, i am so happy , but still reading and studying everything about the phenomena of CPA, I wish i find great help in this awesome forum here...
  10. A

    Happy to be apart of the forum

    My name is al, I'm 22 and a enteprenuer at heart. I have a goal of going full time with CPA marketing with 30-60 days and I will appreciate tips & guidance from you guys!
  11. Darash

    Hi admin & everyone !

    Hello, am from Spain and you can say a newbie in this online marketing sector. Although it started as a hobby and going thru lots of e-books and information overload for about six months, it has converted into a passion to learn affiliate marketing specially CPA marketing. While in the first six...
  12. A

    New in CPA Marketing. Any tips?

    Hi Everyone, I am just start doing CPA marketing about a month ago. So far I'm using w4 network and 50or traffic source. I have created about 30 campaigns and got a few small conversions after two weeks on it and then it seems to slow down. I think I may have miss a piece of the jig saw puzzle...
  13. S

    New to Forum and CPA Marketing

    Hi everyone, I have experience in SEO but I am new to CPA marketing, and reading and learning about CPA lately. I decided to first start with dating niche as it is one of niches recommended for newbies. I would begin with the PoF as the traffic source but I see the registration to PoF is...
  14. b222b2

    email submit offer promotion

    Hi there, Greetings, I'm totally newbie. I've completed my training on affiliate marketing maninly based on bing ppc. When I was just starting, my bing ppc account had been suspended for unknown reason. So I've been somewhat disappointed at the starting point. Although I mainly focused on CPA...