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  1. B

    Urgent help need please ! vps problem !

    Hello Even thought i've installed (cpanel/whm 64 bit) os in my vps but when i try to access the cpanel page, it doesn't load !!!
  2. P

    Ask Me Anything How to Password Protect a Directory in cPanel

    Sometimes it is userful to hide files within a directory (folder) and only give access to those files to people who have the proper password. For example, you may want to only allow authorized people to view or download certain files. Or you may have setup a development version of a website...
  3. Hostissimus

    Selling ◄ HOSTISSIMUS ► [Shared / Reseller Hosting] ● cPanel/WHM ● SSD ● DDoS Protected ● 50% DISCOUNT! hosting are dedicated to providing their customers with the most reliable web hosting service possible. Affordable price plans, secure servers and first class 24/7 technical support make hosting your website with Hostissimus host the obvious choice. Are you looking fast upload...
  4. Hostissimus

    Selling ◄ HOSTISSIMUS ► [Shared / Reseller Hosting] ● cPanel/WHM ● SSD ● DDoS Protected ● 50% DISCOUNT! hosting are dedicated to providing their customers with the most reliable web hosting service possible. Affordable price plans, secure servers and first class 24/7 technical support make hosting your website with Hostissimus host the obvious choice. Are you looking fast upload...