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dating factory

  1. joe_rogan

    Network Wanted i have quality dating trffic

    looking for good dating network guys suggest me
  2. WantingStuff

    Looking For A White Label Dating Company

    Hi I am looking for a white label dating company to run a few of my domains on. I have tried Dating Factory, but the chargebacks are 25% of my turnover and the platform feels a little flimsy somehow. I have read about Ventro White Label Dating and understand they have become too high an...
  3. lsgbiz

    Dating Factory - Anyone experiencing issues with new payments?

    Greetings everyone, I am currently working with Dating Factory and this month I am experiencing a decrease in new payments (new paid users) in comparison to previous months. There was a similar issue with recurring payments on march 2016 (the payments were assigned to my account one month...