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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

dating traffic

  1. AdsEmpire

    Contest Hot Summer Contest: Get up to $5,000 Bonus for Driving Traffic

    Hey friends, we’ve got the info you've been waiting for! You can now earn up to $5,000 in cash bonuses. All you need to do is drive traffic to DEU, NLD, BEL, AUT, CHE GEOs! The contest rules are simple: the more traffic you drive, the more cash bonuses you earn! Spend growth for DEU, NLD...
  2. Andreas - Mirelia

    Guide Best Ad Formats for Dating Vertical

    Dating is an essential attribute of our lives, to satisfy our needs and desires, meet someone special or have a great time. We need love and attention, as humans are social beings and that is why dating will never fade, unlike many other verticals. Interest in dating (especially online) has...
  3. Tatyana_ClickAdilla

    Mastering Tier-1 Dating: A 99% ROI Breakthrough Story

    In this case study, we'll dive into how one marketer achieved an incredible 99% ROI in Tier-1 countries using dating offers. Welcome to a real success story in the world of online advertising! In this case study, we'll dive into how one marketer achieved an incredible 99% ROI in Tier-1...
  4. Andreas - Mirelia


    The concept of a "vertical" in affiliate marketing simply put, is a niche that groups together specific types of offers. Take dating, for instance, a highly lucrative vertical in affiliate marketing. Dating can encompass mainstream, casual, and adult niches. The key is that within the same...
  5. AdsEmpire

    Ask Me Anything Tips on running Dating in Japan

    If you have always wanted to drive or are already driving dating traffic to Japan, we have some helpful tips! These tips will help you tune your ad campaigns for higher conversion. We also advise you to try our new exclusive brands for Japan, with the highest rate! :affiliatefix: The land of the...
  6. AdsEmpire

    Announcement Earn Points And Get a New MacBook Pro '14!

    Dear partners! AdsEmpire is eager to please you with a new contest. This time the latest MacBook Pro is waiting for the most socially active affiliate! Participate in our promo contest, earn Empire$, and exchange them for a MacBook! The more Empire$, the more chances to win! Earning Empire$ is...
  7. affani

    Looking For We are looking for Traffic dating

    If you have dating traffic go through us because we have dating offers from these countries US, CA, UK, DK, IT, AU, DE, SE, NO, etc. And you get paid starting from 1.10 - 5.60 dollars whoever is interested to visit our website or write us on skype: AffAni
  8. affani

    Looking For Have Dating Traffic?

    We have the best dating offers with more high payout if you have traffic and do not know what to do with it come to us and earn more! You have Dating offers from these countries US, CA, UK, NZ, AU, IT, DE, SE, NO DK etc, payments start from 1.40 to 2.50 dollars if you are interested register here
  9. Mr Akhtar

    Ask Me Anything Tinder Traffic

    Hi, I am generating Tinder Usa Geo Hot traffic in my office setup perday 2k+ Tinder from driving Snapchat, but cant convert so please any can help me for good convert way or leads sell please....
  10. Adam777

    Why didn't I come here earlier☹️☹️

    I have been working in affiliate marketing as a publisher for a long time with lospollos, trafee etc(adults niche) . I was doing a Google search on how to get new traffic sources/method. Fortunately the google shows up to me the website, I hope I can find many people here to...
  11. Mubeen Aslam

    Dating Affiliate

    hey, guys my name is Mubeen working in market about 5 years, i have HQ dating traffic for more info please add me on Skype: imcool1246
  12. Md. Masudul Hasan

    I want to get an adult dating program where by delivering traffic I will get pay.

    Hello All Expert Affiliate Marketer. Hope you are all doing great. I am so much new for generating traffic for any adult affiliate marketing section. I am not finding any way to generate huge adult traffic except paid traffic. But I know how to generate huge traffic from social media...
  13. Frank Dethridge

    Completely free method for noobs

    ok, I'm going to give the bare bones of a method for the complete noob. I posted in the wrong thread so moving here. All you need is a mobile phone. 1. register a snap chat account 2. upload a bitmoji 3. register on multiple apps or sites like bigo, tango etc as a female with a pretty pic 4...
  14. Affmy

    Buying Traffic Gay Traffic wanted

    If you have GAY traffic - sell it to us. And you'll get a lot of money, good erection and happiness. :cool: Please ping us on skype - live:affmy_1
  15. B

    Partnership Buy or Sell Traffic @ TanCenter =>Affiliate Wanted CPA offers - Adult & Mainstream

    We have ask the administration to delete all our post and Resource from this site. IF you read this You understand there seems to have no way to get an account Close here.


    MMCCASH is now the highest growth dating cpa network. here u get high convert dating PPS or PPL offer We pay weekly , no delay, minimum $50 Our offer convert so good. if u have quality dating traffic.. then come to our network adult affiliate network with the goal of delivering the highest EPC...
  17. Krishan Kumar

    Best way to promote Dating campaigns

    There must be many people killing Dating campaigns all day and night so I Urge them to please share their best views (tips) for promoting Dating offers for newbies (like me). That may include, but not limited to... 1. What are the best paid traffic sources for Dating offers? 2. If social and...
  18. Nazmul Islam

    looking for dating PP call traffic sources

    Hi, I'm looking some good traffics sources for my adult/dating pay per call offers.
  19. C

    [GUIDE] Best way to run dating/adult CPA offers via TrafficJunky

    Alright guys, here I am again with another guide, this time for the adult niche for those of you interested to run some 'hot' offers ;) Not many people like to talk about adult but that doesn't mean you should not do it ;) there is some insane money to make, and the best way to get started is...
  20. C

    How to promote dating cpa network??

    hello friends, i am affiliate manager of . anybody know how to promote this dating cpa network to others? please tell me best away . :)