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email guidelines

  1. Albertomax1

    Email Personalization ( new advancements )

    Very informative article on the new advancements in email personalization,'s worth the time! Email Personalization Advancements .. ..
  2. Somesh Likhyani

    Is it Necessary to Redirect the Sub-domains created for Sending Email to Parent Website URL

    I have an e-commerce suppose and just like any other e-commerce we send 2 types of email campaigns. Transcation Emails Promotional-Broadcast Emails Now, to maintain quality score for the domain, we are sending transactional emails via. But, for the promotional mail...
  3. Somesh Likhyani

    How to make your email land in updates with multiple images

    Hello, I've been following some of the websites which are sending emails with a lot of images and they are still landing in updates tab in gmail. Can you guys tell me what is the perfect way to land an email in updates with multiple images.
  4. Refes

    Final manual to subsidized Emails

    For publishers focusing on the monetization in their websites, the traffic coming to and interacting with your homes is an asset with probably full-size fee. However it’s crucial to notice that this traffic, or user base, asset can take a couple of paperwork. The most common shape in terms of...
  5. JakeMA

    Mailer Meet Up (ASW2016)

    Hey Fixers, Apart from being main sponsors for the Affiliate Ball. MonsterAds always sponsor one of the greatest, exclusive, networking events for all the mailers in the industry. If you're heading to ASW next month and you mail you don't want to miss out on this event. The Mailer Meet Up...
  6. T J Tutor

    Five Best Practices for Performance Emails

    Consumers subscribe to an abundance of newsletters and brand awareness notifications, but they read only a fraction of those they receive, the game is to find out why they choose those they do read. Let's take a look at what can get your emails performing at a much higher level. GET TO THE...