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email verification

  1. Marcus101

    How to clean an email list without uploading an email list every time?

    I have a regular requirement to clean the email list but do not have enough time to process the email list manually. Is there any way to automate the process that can enable me to clean the email list with ease?
  2. MajorAdviser

    Helping Companies with Email Lists

    Hello All! My name is Alex, I am obsessed with personal growth, and I help businesses clean up their email lists with 99%+ accuracy. Hard bounces, spam traps, duplicates, and disposable addresses are all a thing of the past when you use our service. We offer competitive pricing tiers for all...
  3. hardiksoni

    Cleaning spam traps

    Is there any email verification software that can clean the spam traps?
  4. T

    Hi, New Member Introduction

    After 12 years in the field with email marketing, we have developed our own service for validating emails. As many of you properly already know some of the providers of these services is very costly. Even tho the actually price for such services is not expensive, they have to charge that much...
  5. Devin@VeriAS

    Selling Email List Cleaning--Data Hygiene/Analytic Service

    My name is Devin and I work with a new email data hygiene and analytics platform called VeriAS. If anyone has and questions about basic data hygiene, filtering hard bounces, spam traps, complainers, etc let me know how I can help. I also can help you analyze your data with information like...
  6. Devin@VeriAS

    Hey Guys, New Data Hygiene/Analysis Platform Here

    Hey guys, my name is Devin and I work with a new email data hygiene and analytics platform called VeriAS. If anyone has any questions about basic data hygiene, filtering hard bounces, spam traps, complainers, etc let me know how I can help. I also can help you analyze your data and provide...