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  1. Robleh_Boom

    Seeking Help Finding affiliates outside traditional networks for Saas products?

    We officially launched our product this year and the user response has been great. Some users wanted to know more about a referral program so we've decided to dip our toes into the affiliate world (30% commission etc.). As we navigate this, I'm curious to hear if people have ideas on finding...
  2. Mody Tal

    Need help finding Affiliates to Affsbook: The affiliates community i've founded

    Hello, My name is Mody Tal, I am now a programmer and also into marketing nowadays, I used to make a lot of money with my adult oriented affiliate marketing sites, it was back in 2002, in fact I made more than 300k USD just for promoting adult affiliate programs both created by me and as...
  3. S

    Where can I find affiliates?

    Hey, I've just started a shopify store. I am selling wallets and ship worldwide. But I don't really have much of a marketing budget and am rather inexperienced with marketing so I wouldn't want to learn through trial and error. I found out about affiliate marketing and saw a good opportunity...