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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. mumin4sure

    $186.72 made, Should i be happy with this Or not ?

    Little Into. of myself : Yes this is my first time to get paid from cpa network (adworkmedia) ,though i have made little $$ back then with Google adsense . Unfortunately when i woke up on 19th of April 2015, just some days to receive the month earning ,i received a mail from Google saying my...
  2. Nasir Uddin

    My First CPA Conversions!

    For the last 3 months; I have been studying CPA in a lot of Blogs, Forums and Videos and eventually started acting seriously from last week. And guess what? I made the very first sales of my CPA life. Though, I have been earning pretty good amount of Dollars every month from Adsense & my...