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  1. Honeybadger

    FTC PrivacyCon 2021

    Federal Trade Commission hosts its 6th annual PrivacyCon on July 27, 2021 It's free and open to the public, live webcast from 9am PrivacyCon 2020 --> Watch Part 1 - Watch Part 2
  2. K

    FTC Compliance for non-US Affiliate Programs

    Hi, I would just like to clarify if for Affiliate Programs that are non-US based are they still required to comply with FTC's guidelines for affiliate marketing? For example, we are an AU business and planning on launching an affiliate program first to AU affiliates, should we still comply with...
  3. T J Tutor

    Native Ads Being Watched Closely Again By The FTC

    The FTC is ramping up again with its objections and monitoring of native ads. According to the article on PaceDM by Michael Levanduski 04-19-2016 "The FTC has issued a statement to fashion giant Lord & Taylor concerning their use of native ads and paid promotions on social media outlets...