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  1. I

    Starting on Go2Mobi

    hey there, i have just started on go2mobi and have read the start guid thread here. however 1. why am i forced to set a daily budget of $50 (this is pretty high for some testing) 2. where is there a confirm and send for approval button? it seems like after making changes and lciking save on...
  2. Mobidea

    Review All you need to know about GO2MOBI!

    Go2mobi is a Demand Side Platform (DSP), providing you traffic from 12 different ad exchanges – the biggest being MoPub, Smaato and Nexage. The majority of traffic coming from those 3 ad exchanges is in-app. Moreover, Smaato and Nexage also have some considerable mobile web traffic. The ad...
  3. Ashwin Satyanarayana

    Gold I've Just Won $500 from Mobicow + AffiliateFix

    Good things come in unexpected $500 chunks? I recently won $500 off the Mobicow + AffiliateFix contest and I am thrilled about it. The best was that I didn't even know that my follow along thread was entered into the draw. Here's the contest link: Win $500 Every Month! (Sponsored by Mobicow) |...
  4. evik

    Traffic source that is similar in nature to Go2mobi

    Is there something like that out there? Thank you guys:)
  5. evik

    Go2mobi is dead - ?

    Started running traffic to couple of offers and it was ok, spent 235$ already and in the middle of my tests they stopped running traffic. I mean actual 0 on my Voluum. I guess not putting all of my eggs in one basket would be a smart move when it comes to traffic sources. very shady :( Any...