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  1. MonRays

    Official Dating Vertical Trends in 2023⚡️

    Dating Vertical Trends In 2023⚡️ - MonRays & Vortex Insights The dating vertical, a perennially dynamic field in the realm of affiliate marketing, continues its journey of transformation as we delve deeper into 2023. To grasp the pulse of this ever-evolving landscape, let's delve into key...
  2. RealFire

    Need Mobile Interstitial/Full page banner for US

    Hey Guys, Lemme know if your network has mobile interstitial/full page banner ad unit and got volume for US visitors. My daily budget will depend on the performance. Recently i spent $50-$150 per day. Thank You
  3. X

    What is the best network for interstitial format?

    Hey, guys! I'm wondering, which networks are the best in interstitial format (not in-app, just mobile web or desktop)? Thank you!
  4. D

    Best mobile ad network for interstitial ads in United States and India

    Please suggest a mobile ad network which has a good show rate for interstitial ads mainly in India and United States. As Admob show rate is really low in United States and India for interstitial ads.
  5. PPCmate

    Hello from PPCmate!

    Hello Everybody! I'd like to thank you for this unique opportunity and introduce You our self-serve advertising platform. PPCmate DSP works on RTB technology and has partnered with multiple SSPs like Google's DoubleClick, MoPub, ProperllerAds, AdCash and 100+ more. PPCmate has access to 90% of...
  6. Edelhaid

    Which networks have interstitial mobile offers?

    Hey, I'm beginner at marketing and hope for your help! May anyone tells which networks have interstitial mobile offers?