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  1. Jones GR

    Finally I've decided to be part of AffiliateFix community!

    Hello, My name is Jones! :) I have known about AffiliateFix forum for a while, but never have I joined it due to some unknown reasons.** (Maybe because I thought I can be successful without others help or suggestions) ** Last 4 years of my life, I have been full time marketer and mainly...
  2. Goins

    Selling [ LanderStealth ] The Ultimate ClickJacker $$$ Profit from your pages

    Introducing LanderStealth, Our System allows users to place a hidden code within each landing page they run traffic to, and when other affiliates Rip your Landing Page, Our system will track that person... We call them Thieves.. Once your landing page has been stolen within our panel you can...
  3. 2

    Landing Page

    Hey so I don't know how to code and i want to create some good landing pages, the services what are available to create landing pages are average but it still limits my creativity. I want to design my landing pages then send them off to get them coded, when I have more time i will try to learn...