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  1. MrTube

    Tutorial Profiles on tube sites, automation of creation, making money ...

    In this tutorial you will learn what a Tube Site profile is, what it is for, what information it can contain, how to leverage the potential of profiles and how to automate the creation of profiles. What is a Tube Site profile? A Tube Site profile is a virtual page that represents a user or...
  2. RogRoggy

    Is tumglr still alive?

    What do you think, is there a way to make money there in 2023? If so, could you advise how?
  3. lilkrito

    Paid Traffic For Adult Affiliate Links !?

    Hi Affliatefix Community I have 25$ in my pocket, and I'm asking if it is worth making paid cam or date offers ads or not, I'm using crakrevenue offers, and if it is worth what is the best place for ads and a guide for it? Best Regards Lilkritoo
  4. L

    Official SafetyWing Nomad Insurance Ambassador Program [Deleted]

    Luke P submitted a new resource: SafetyWing Nomad Insurance Ambassador Program - 10% referral fees, up to $600 per new Ambassador referred. Read more about this resource...
  5. lamoia100

    What would you DO - If all The Work Was Done For You?

    What I mean by the title is this- I know of a new site that has started, they worked painful hours the owners and asked tons of questions and found ampules of answers by others, but after planning following a detailed business plan and doing research they found solutions to all their aspects...
  6. Revglue

    Review The ultimate guide to making money from content

    Take a moment and make a mental list. Who makes money from content creation? The first names in your mind were probably Kylie Jenner, James Charles, or PewDiePie— personal brands with millions of followers. But what if we told you that your friend from college with a few thousand followers on...
  7. D

    What are the easiest way

    What are the easiest way to make money on affiliate marketing
  8. SEOwarez

    SEO Cloaking to increase profits

    when you create affiliate pages you still have to wait for users to click on your ads. with cloaking you can send the traffic directly to affiliate offers which increases your conversion rate! also you can create sites that are specifically optimized for search engine bots instead of real users...
  9. ChadNedland

    Monetize your affiliate offers before the sale!

    I know that this may sound a little odd. I have been doing this for very thing for the last few years. I know that when we are stepping into aff marketing we are looking at many different statistics to determine profitability. One of the big ones is that of the Bump offer or Upsell. I asked...
  10. S

    How Long Should it Take to Get Traffic?

    A lot of people give up on promoting a website before they ever reach their full potential. There seems to be something of a mistaken belief that we should be able to create a new website, fill it with content and then start making a full-time income in a matter of months. This is not the case...
  11. harnur

    HOW to save tax in affiliate marketing?

    Hello, I am from India. All the advertisement companies that I work with..ask for top-up in USD currency. But all the banks in my country charge 4-5% currency conversion tax for international transactions(USD, EURO etc). And 5% TCS tax for foreign transactions. And since i am doing it on a...
  12. 3Snet network

    April affiliate news

    #betting A world-recognized bookmaker`s start in the Russian market A well-known British bookmaker bet365 was set up in 2000 and is legal. Bettors from Russia make wagers on bet365. All transactions are via QIWI betting service. #gambling Thriving online gambling market in the USA is one of...
  13. Mcgabby

    How do I earn on affiliate fix

    As a newbie here, I want to know if there are direct or direct ways of earning money here just like other forums like beermoney
  14. Wiley Harding

    My journey to making $100k per month from passive income

    Hey, I hope your day has been amazing. Have you ever wondered what it'd be like making $100k per month from passive income? The concept is simple, and everyone can do it. You can do it too! Only need to: Work both hard and smart Be disciplined Use the right tactics Rinse and repeat Actually...
  15. Randall Hamilton

    Chat Bot Earns 100.00 Daily

    Hello, My Name Is Randall Hamilton Thank You For Accepting Me In This Group, I Am A Affiliate For A Company Called Textbot.Ai.
  16. TonmoyParves

    Help To Monetize My Dog Niche Leads

    Hello Y'll. Hope everyone is safe and doing great. Well, I do have a Pet Site those ranked for some serious good keywords and giving me monthly around 4000-4500 Traffics from Google itself. And I'm getting average daily 5-6 Leads. I'm attaching my Leads Mails. I do have their Name, Email...
  17. emilyjousha

    What are the reasons to start your own business?

    According to me if we are tired of our office job or not satisfied with our office job. we just decided to start your own business. Share your thoughts.
  18. De3k

    New to the affiliate marketing

    Hey I am still new to affiliate marketing I have tried a few things like fb ads, buyandsellads, and google ads, I have probably spent like $200 between fb ads and Google ads but have not gotten any conversions. Buy and sell ads closed my account before running my ad. Does anyone recommend a good...
  19. JonathanB

    How to promote ClickBank offers on Instagram?

    Here are 5 cool tips on promoting ClickBank products on Instagram: Please read this quick disclaimer first: In this post, I'm using the ClickBank product "Hack Your Carbs", of which I'm the affiliate manager and co-creator. It's a brand new product in the Weight Loss and Cooking niche, and...
  20. N

    Make 1000 $ in First 7 Days !!

    Hello Marketers Today i'm going to talk about an affiliate company that have a 100% commission ... it is for everyone (beginners ,intermediate and professionals) Let's say that you may sell 20 Licenses in 7 days that's 1k $ of commisions and 10 of them will work as an affiliate and they...