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mvas offers

  1. HilltopAds

    Review mVAS Offer Case Study with ROI:207%, Popunder Mobile traffic and UZ targeting

    Before reading the mVAS case study: Crying Face After: Yes, taking a shot at one of the hottest trending verticals could be your breakthrough moment. In this article, we uncover: Uzbekistan: Why this tier-3 GEO is outperforming tier-1 markets. Pin-Submits & mVAS in 2025: What works best right...
  2. HIMU.arif

    Seeking Help How to promote mvas offer

    I have my own mvas offer only in Bangladesh. Please suggest how to get best cpa partner for my mvas in house offer in Bangladesh.
  3. Artem Obraztsov

    Who can suggest a good traffic source for the MVAs vertical?

    Hi everyone! Please tell me which traffic sources are now working well in the MVAs vertical on these geo PK NG KE BG IR IN. Maybe there are cases of some cool bundles? I will be very grateful to everyone!
  4. H

    Seeking Help The Hottest Trends in MENA Campaigns

    Seeing that MENA is a quite popular region everybody looking for. What's your insights for promoting mobile content campaigns in the MENA region? I was looking for the smarter ways to improve sales in middle east.

    Ask Me Anything Creatives for mVas: Spy Services and Bonuses

    We have already published a few articles here on affLift on how to work with mVas and why it’s a great vertical for starting out (check them out if you still haven’t), but we still get a lot of questions. So today we decided to dive deeper into what a usual funnel for mVas looks like and where...

    Ask Me Anything mVas offers as the universal solution for media buyers

    One of our top verticals at ADLEADPRO is the mVas vertical (if you don’t remember what it is or missed our article, check it out here). We have seen many different scenarios playing out before us as affiliates start working with these offers: both successful cases and cases where it would be...

    What You Should Know About mVas Offers

    Our smartphones follow us everywhere: we have bank apps, our music apps and online libraries, food delivery and social media all in one place. We surf the internet on our smartphones. Which presupposes we also buy things with our smartphones and subscribe to various services to make our lives...