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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. dacleary

    How can I optimise my campaign

    I've spent like $15 in two days running this campaign on propellerads and so far only 1 conversion. The testing period for CPAGoal is finished now and i've been manually excluding zones with low CTR and high views. What else can I do?
  2. dragonfly666

    How do you optimise your campaigns?

    One thing that I'm struggling to get some info on is (after gaining some statistical data over a good period of time) what should I focus on viewing and blacklisting or whitelisting first? Is there any particular list you go through in a certain order to make decisions on what to observe and...
  3. brutebiz

    BEST Optimization for Pop Traffic Placements (PropellerAds)

    Hi all smart marketers! I'm new here, and this is my first thread! I'm running a campaign on PropellerAds and I'm sorting out all the bad placements with the strategy of blacklisting a Zone ID ones it has spent 1x offer payout (I'm on a tight budget). I have seen some good converting...
  4. B

    10000 visitor from popads ! Is it enough ?

    Hello Guyes is 10000 visitor for for mobile is enough to know wheather to stay and optimise this campaign or move to next offer ?