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paid advertising

  1. S

    Microjobs sites for CPL affiliate marketing

    Heyy guys! Im a beginner to affiliate marketing so i was wondering if i can use microjobs sites (timebucks, picoworkers..) to get sign ups and generate leads. Does that work? Is it legal? Thanks!
  2. Honeybadger

    Free Paid Marketing Full Course (10 hours)

    I subscribe to Simplilearn on You Tube It just posted this free video course about paid advertising No signup it's all on You Tube, 10 hours long I have no connection apart from being a subscriber Simplilearn have 900,000 subscribers So it is legit channel
  3. A

    How big of a budget to start running paid ads?

    Realistically how much money do you need to start running paid ads? Im currently in the weight loss niche but was trying to get conversions through setting up my own Facebook group and listing the offers in there, while providing quality weight loss tips.
  4. Eric L Williams

    Adwords and Email Landers?

    Hey, hows it going people, I'm currently working on an ebook and I'm looking to build a list in the process and wanted to know if anyone knew If Adwords allows email submit landing pages? Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. dame colquhoun

    Success using free methods but want to do Paid ads..........

    Hi I have been making small income ( not a $100 a day unfortunately ) but I want my cash to start working for me. Reason being that it's hard to do so much work and not get a fair amount back in commissions. Best bet, go with higher paying offers; but i digress. I have done my hw on tracking...
  6. Pawel Halas

    9 Best Alternatives To Google AdWords

    Hi guys, Let me share an article that has recently been published on our blog at LiveChat Partners Blog. I hope you'll find it insightful. ________ I’ve decided to put up an ultimate list of Google AdWords alternatives to give you an idea on how to go beyond Google with your budget. Let’s dive...
  7. chriscxmpo

    Daily Budget or Lifetime Budget? What is better?

    Hi. I would like to know your opinion on setting up a paid advertising campaign? Do you use daily budget or lifetime budget? I can't see the reason why I will set up a daily budget if I could potentially get leads within the day. Thank you.