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pay per call tracking

  1. Tariq Ben

    Ask Me Anything I made $1,438.80 in a day

    I actually made $1,400+ in a day promoting water damage restoration pay per call offer.
  2. zafseo

    SurgeCalls Pay per Call network Reviews?

    Does Any body know about surgecall? This is a ppcall network. But i have a confusion. i can't find a singal review on any forums or directories. So if any body working with them please tell me is it safe network??
  3. Suvo Ahamed

    Offer Wanted looking for Locksmith pay per call offer

    Hello , anyone have Locksmith Call Offer . We Give you Daily 50+ paid Call looking for Locksmith pay per call offer Skype: deejaysuvo
  4. T

    aragon advertising refer id needed

    can anyone help me to approve my account to aragon advertising or any pay per call site?
  5. Tariq Ben

    See my 2 days earning...

  6. Tariq Ben

    Tariq a pay per call expert

    Hello, I am Tariq and am new here. Have huge experience when it comes to pay per call and am here to make friends and also mentor interested fellow on how to make steady income online.
  7. ventoman

    [METHOD] How to Protect yourself Pay per Call Campaigns from Ripper Networks

    Might not be new just my 5 cents. Succesful Pay call campaigns involves a good amount of time and effort . Getting accepted by a good reputable Network is hard, geting ripped or shaved by one is awefully discouraging. If you are skeptical like me about certain CPA networks , and want to run a...
  8. T J Tutor

    Best Pay Per Call Trackers?

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for recommendations for call tracking for Pay Per Call. I also want to use the same tracker for Click to Call events if possible. If there are none that do both, perhaps you have recommendations for both. Got some ideas & recommendations for me?