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pin submits

  1. K

    Seeking for Pin Submit, Click flow, MO flow traffic

    Hi, I am direct advertiser developed in house carrier billing offers such as click flow, MO flow, pin submit , seeking for top quality marketing partners or media buyer to promote. Feel free to hit me on skype for further discussion - kimmeng88 Talk soon Cheers, Kim
  2. Iraklee

    Buying Traffic 22 FRESH, DIRECT Pin-Submit Offers

    My Friends, I've had a good hunting last week and would like to share my trophies with you. Fresh pin-submits directly from content providers! No crazy redirected chains, offers are opening and converting very fast. All of them have creatives and modern style landing pages. Enjoy your meal...
  3. I

    Running Pin Submits on FB

    Hi, Do you guys target 3G or 4G connection type when running pin submit sweep offers on fb? Thanks? I'm tried running all traffic and it's not working.