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postback url

  1. tbe2077

    How do you setup postback for affiliates?

    Hi there, I have an in-house affiliate program that is running right now. When new affiliates sign up for my affiliate program. They are asking Postback from me. How do I give it to them? I'm using iDevAffiliate system for the affiliate management system. Even if I want to integrate with...
  2. funkywithans

    PlugRush: How To Use Postback URL

    Hello all, I wanted to promote an offer with PlugRush, but I think their offices are closed right now so I can't get an answer from them until tomorrow. How do I use the postback URL conversion tracking for PlugRush? Specifically for MaxBounty? If anyone knows or even better, uses these 2...
  3. Nuwan Senanayake

    Postback url

    im promoting a cpa offer in mobidea network, want to configure postback url in bemob tracking platform. Who can assist with me that?
  4. R

    Outbrain Tracking Parameters and S2S Postback

    Hello, Can anyone please confirm for me the tracking parameters for Outbrain? Is what I have in the attached image correct? Also, is S2S postback possible with Outbrain? I am using voluum as my tracker. Thank you!
  5. StandAlone

    Adverten Postback URL

    Hello I'm new in affliate, Can anyone tell me how to create postback url for adverten?
  6. trackingdesk

    "hack" - AdWords Postback URL

    Hi Everyone, Affiliates working with AdWords know that they do not provide a postback URL, and instead allow you to manually upload your conversions through a CSV file. Recently, they've added a feature to this workflow, which allows you to connect your google sheet account and schedule an...
  7. Michael Ikechukwu

    Post back URL with Facebook traffic

    I work as a publisher in PeerFly. I run Facebook ads and cpa offers. I have a problem, as any other affiliate i need to track my conversions and since I am using facebook ads i need to track conversion with facebook conversion pixel, not only does it track conversions, it also optimizes my ad...
  8. Sophia Loren

    Working with Targeleon

    who is working with targeleon? i need some help with global postback url.