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ppc advertising

  1. K

    Do This If You're Worried About Bot Clicks Ruining Your Ads

    Are you worried about bot traffic messing with you're ad budget? This is a real problem, especially when you are not a tech-savvy person and cannot use fancy tools to collect data and optimize your ads. What if I told you that you could run ads without worrying about bot traffic messing things...
  2. K

    Seeking Help Cheapest and most effective PPC Networks

    Hello, what's the cheapest and most effective PPC platform you've ever used to advertise?
  3. M

    looking for a mentor!

    Hello, I'm looking for a mentor who is absolutly CRUSHING IT with Bing Ads! My goal is to learn how to create successful campaigns in short periods of time with CPA offers, Pay Per Lead offers or physical products to sell through bing ads. I want to MASTER whatever strategy your doing for...
  4. P

    Looking For Affiliates For W+ Offer [Tiered Commissions]

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for new affiliates for my WarriorPlus offer launching on March 19th @ 10 A.M. EST The product is an e-book teaching step-by-step instructions to do a method of keyword research for Bing advertising that I'd estimate 90% of advertisers have no idea how to do...
  5. R

    which is best adult adscence ?

    which is best adult adscence ? which give PPC
  6. David Mali

    Top Native ads networks ?

    hey guys just a small question what is the best Native ads networks ? i have about $2k to invest in native ads i will be promoting CPA offers / affiliate products thanks
  7. David Mali

    Ask Me Anything $30k spent on facebook ads

    Hey guys i've spent around $30k on facebook ads promoting CPA offers,Clickbank products,Aliexpress Dropshipping,jvzoo products and even got my account flagged twice i'm here today to answer your questions about facebook ads tell me whats in your mind and i'll try to tell the right way to...
  8. M

    3 Reasons PPC Matters For Your Business

    There's one thing nearly every potential B2B buyer does before buying an item or marking a contract for your administrations: search. In fact, 77 percent of B2B buyers are said to research on Google before making a buying decision. And while enhancing your organic search motor ranking is...