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ppv network

  1. Romio

    How much traffic do I need for testing on PPV

    Hi, I have finally setup a tracker on my website and now I can know the source of traffic when advertising with PPV. I am new with PPV and I would like to ask the experts and people who have experience in the area. After I setup a traffic campaign. how many visits with no conversions I need...
  2. Linoy- SelfAdvertiser

    Ask Me Anything Self Advertiser - PPV Traffic source is a powerful self-service platform for advertisers, a leading traffic source, developed, owned and operated by Intango. The platform allows online advertisers to create their campaigns in minutes and start acquiring WW traffic from quality sources while maintaining full...
  3. Cpa Expert

    PPV/Clickunder/Popunder traffic with demographic targeting

    Hello, Do you know any PPV/Clickunder/Popunder traffic sources with targeting by age and gender?
  4. M

    How optimization campaign ppv

    How can I improve the work of campaigns in the PPV and the points that I'm working on What are the best companies in this traffic
  5. M


    hey does anyone has a coupon for zeropark network for new accounts ?
  6. marketeer

    Ultimate List Of Best And 100% Working PPV Networks

    Hi guys, I've decided to create this thread to gather the ultimate list of 100% working PPV networks based on the experience of the AffiliateFix users. We've seen lots of reviews on the internet and here too, but almost none of them give numbers. Having some good data mind, we'll be able to...
  7. drluisbarrios

    50OnRred Is Getting Very Red

    These days the traffic from 50OnRed is turning very, very bad. I think the last inventory they bought is almost "Red Sitexxx", that's why his most recent promo sounds suspicious to me. They must be going through hard times, because his good traffic it is slowly losing quality and I'm not...
  8. gregplatt

    7search send me Fake clicks

    Hello earners, Actually i have very bad experience with 7search ads, i got an account and spent money ,my first campaign got 26 clicks with no conversion even a single click for the landing page button ! so i thought it's my fault and i let this campaign run for 4 days and every day i got...
  9. imgstaff

    Hello everyone! :)

    Hello everyone! I am admin of few image hosting sites looking to expand business by finding ways to monetize site(s). Hope I'll find some new tips and tricks here and share some stuff that I've learned ;)

    Making Money with PPV Traffic

    Just sharing some knowledge to all fellow online marketeers, affiliates and advertising networks. Get in touch if you want to know more or use PPV traffic for generating revenues with campaigns. Make money with PPV traffic One way to make really good money using Affiliate Marketing is by...
  11. mumin4sure

    Suggest Africa PPV traffic

    Can you suggest any PPV advertising company that provide Africa traffics ?
  12. Yvon

    TrafficVance Referral Needed & Signup Process

    Hello ´fixers, I was just at the TrafficVance website and the URL is being re-directed to Propel Media. I think they changed their name or got bought by another company or whatever. I filled out an application for but since its the holidays it probably going to take them a bit. Was wondering...
  13. minacpa4ever

    50onred and trafficvance accounts but looking for a niches ??

    hey fixers please can you suggest me what is the best niches worked well with PPV ??
  14. Jaguar

    Confused about where to start!!

    Hello everyone, I'm thinking of starting Paid traffic promotion. I have the below options available. Option 1: Niche: Adult Network: CrakRevenue Offer: An SOI offer which pays about $0.90 Traffic: Exoclick Tracker: Prosper202 on my VPS. I may buy CPVlab as well soon. Landing Page: I'll...