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programmatic buying

  1. Anna Voluum DSP

    7 Advertisers’ Mistakes to Avoid

    7 Advertisers’ Mistakes to Avoid by Katarzyna Glondys Read here TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Getting Discouraged Quickly Not Making Use of Documentation and Guidelines Not Double-Checking your URLs and Set Up Putting Quantity Over Quality Just Repeating what Others Do Promoting too Many...
  2. Ad Experts Media Ltd

    Global Ad Network looking for the banner and native traffic via open RTB (CPM based)

    Ad Experts Media focused on programmatic media buying and we have successful cooperation with many DSPs and SSPs in the industry as well with direct publishers and advertisers. * Some content removed by Admin * .
  3. Ultramoney

    Partnership White Label Ad Network/DSP/Bidder

    AdMachine - White Label Solution for Ad Networks Supercharge your advertising business with advanced and reliable White Label DSP and SSP solutions: 24/7 Monitored Reliable Infrastructure AdMachine Ad Exchange Simple SSP and DSP integrations Self-serve platform for Advertisers and Publishers...
  4. V

    6 Programmatic trends you need pay attention to

    Moving forward with your monetization strategies, take into account these trends emphasised by industry influencers at the Programmatic I/O Conference organised by AdExchanger: 1. digital media usage is driven by mobile apps ($53.4B will be spent on in-app ads by 2020) 2. most mobile RTB...
  5. Lev Mik

    programmatic buying

    Hello All, Any insights for using programmatic platforms (not google, facebook, bing) for buying search/mobile? self serve where can start with low budget? for those with experience, any specific inputs and insights.... thank you I'll share as well once I'll gain a bit of experience Lev
  6. Avazu mDSP

    Greetings from Avazu Mobile DSP!

    Avazu Mobile DSP is a 100% self-service platform offering 100% transparency on mobile advertising inventory and RTB integration. Avazu’s exclusive targeting features target the most profitable mobile traffic source in order to monetize your managed campaigns by your own. We are here to bring...