Hey everyone, I’ve been testing different push traffic sources for affiliate marketing, and I wanted to share what’s been working for me. Push ads are still a great way to drive traffic, but not all networks are the same. Some deliver high-quality leads, while others burn your budget fast.
I am an affiliate with 10 years of experience, last year I had a really disappointing situation with ZEYDOO, I have been working with Zeydoo for years finding their offers good and responsive with my traffic.
Everything got awfull when in April 2023 i created a POP campaign. When suddenly they...
I've spent like $15 in two days running this campaign on propellerads and so far only 1 conversion. The testing period for CPAGoal is finished now and i've been manually excluding zones with low CTR and high views. What else can I do?
Decided to 'bite the bullet' and spend 1 hour per day (after work) running my 1st affiliate marketing campaign with push ad notifications - target is to earn $200 from $100 investment pot
I know zero about this system, so this week just learning the ropes before start to test, will be watching...
Hey all,
i am looking for new trafic sources (Facebook, AdSense etc. we have ... I'm looking for another way) for my projects. I've found many sources where to buy traffic, but also many bad reviews.
I have a few selected sources that interested me, can I know your opinions? Real traffic, will...
Black Friday came early this year!
We’ve joined forces with Zeydoo (@Zeydoo) and PropellerAds (@PropellerAds) to give you the best deal of the season, one you've never seen before: Ultimate Affiliate Pack!
Besides our regular expert insights and tons of helpful affiliate materials, we’re now...
Hi everyone,
I've been generating leads for the gambling industry and I'm currently considering to expand to new and proven ad networks
I'm working currently on Propeller ads and the campaigns there work pretty good. I have tried ZeroPark and Richads but they're not even close in terms of CPA...
I am new to this form and am liking it so far, this is my first post so hey everyone!
I am currently trying to figure out how to setup my PropellerAds + MaxBounty conversion and zone tracking without any trackers, Just SUBIDs and Postback URLS inside PropellerAds and MaxBounty.
Hi everyone,
Should you place your marketing bet on event targeting? When you are dealing with sports betting, the answer is a definite “Hell Yeah”.
So, if learning to skim the cream off the betting market and to make your ad campaigns convert like fire sounds like something you need… then get...
Hi everyone!
This case study was written by Varun - one of the members of our Telegram chat.
Why Gambling? Because high payouts and easy conversions are something, you won’t say “no” to. Check out the case from one of our affiliate marketers.
In short
Ad Format: Push Notifications
Dear partners, there is a perfect example of combining Push ads with Event targeting. Check it out and prepare your campaigns for future events!
Traffic: Push Notifications
Offer: Heineken Champions League 2019, Weachgroup.com
Campaign period: April 4, 2019 – April 16, 2019
GEO: Brazil
Hey everyone!
Want some hot stories about push and native traffic? Dating is what you need :o Today we've prepared 2 case studies about dating. Check out:
[Case Study 1]: The USA, 50% ROI and ... drum roll ... our new advertising format Native Ads!
Ad Format: Native Ads
Hi guys!
Recently we've launched a new ad format - Native Ads.
Native Ads or Native Widgets are content widgets placed at the most viewed parts of the webpage.
Each Native ad has these two elements:
Title (up to 65 characters)
Image (492 x 328 px; jpg or png)
Min. bid for...
Disclaimer: Please note that this case was provided by one of our clients, and the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of PropellerAds.
Hi there! It’s ZeDDy. I talked about the case studies that...
Dear affiliates!
Push Notifications is a great advertising tool that can bring quality conversions and extend the reach in no time.
As with every ad format, multiple pitfalls lie in wait. And although you might think that your issues are completely unique; we are all too familiar with the...
Dear affiliates!
Push Notifications is a great advertising tool that can bring quality conversions and extend the reach in no time.
As with every ad format, multiple pitfalls lie in wait. And although you might think that your issues are completely unique; we are all too familiar with the...
Affiliate World Asia conference is just around the corner and we still have more surprises to share...
Join us at the conference and attend free seminars by PropellerAds traffic experts!
We’ll dive into methods for getting maximum performance out of Push Notifications and introduce our new...
Following the launch of our Telegram chat, we’ve noticed a heightened interest in market intelligence. Affiliate marketers are looking for inspiration and successful tactics to adopt. The most asked question these weeks was: “Do you have case studies?”
Well, well, well…
We do! Meet our...
Dear partners!
Read a new case study, written by one of ou affiliates. Mexico + Push Notifications + Finance offer (profit $891).
Let's discuss it right here or in our Telegram chat PropellerAds Affiliate Club | ENGLISH CHAT :rolleyes:
Campaign period: from 7/12/2018 to 8/31/2018...
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