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push notifications script

  1. MonRays

    Official New Updates: Improved Functionality And Features!

    Hi, we are happy to announce our latest updates on the platform. We have 4 news: Before, it was necessary to indicate the target in each push, pop, and inpage separately. Now, in order to speed up and make the management process easier, we have moved the targeting option "outside" from each...
  2. 50onredmike

    Collect Push Subscribers $ Get Paid

    I want to invite all of you to check out You can use our code to collect push subscribers as a publisher on all your HTTPS sites. This will give you the ability to be paid as a publisher as well as send push notifications to your own user base for free. Let me know if you have any...
  3. M

    push notifications ads network script

    i want to create or make my own push notifications network like or other dsp platforms which use other networks push ads also.... any one can help my budget is very higher no problem for funding....