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roi optimization

  1. OGnet

    Case Study Case Study: Boosting ROI in Traffic Arbitrage with CPA and Ad Networks

    Hi everyone! Our partners pretty often share their cases with us, and it wouldn't be fair not to show it for you. How it all began As someone actively earning through traffic arbitrage, I'm always on the lookout for new tools to improve my results. Recently, I decided to research new ad...
  2. A

    Ask Me Anything Is Adplexity worth it?

    So I know affiliatefix offers a lifetime discount and that got me wondering if getting adplexity is worth it to spy on my competitors? I'm currently using a free tool called but the information it displays is not very informative and the UI is in Russian :p. Anyone's campaign roi...
  3. TheOptimizer

    [Case Study] $60k Profit on Taboola Running Casino App Installs

    Today we are going to share with you a recent profitable campaign we ran on Taboola including all it’s details. We often hear people say that these days it’s really hard finding a profitable campaign, it won’t last, natives are hard etc etc. As usual, most of these people never took the effort...
  4. Stephen ThriveTracker

    Those Clicks Don't Work For This Campaign

    Hey there all! What's the percentage of traffic you buy that you turn away from your campaigns? 1%, 5%, 10%... more? You've turned that traffic away for any number of reasons, all of which are likely valid. Some offers have very tough regulations on them and require you to set a lot of rules...
  5. Krishan Kumar

    What is the Best Way to promote a Lead Campaign giving $2 or Less?

    I've been running a School Scholarship & Grants lead campaign, payout is $2. I'm promoting this offer with Bing Ads. Now the problem is payout is $2 and average CPC for best performing keywords is $0.60-0.80 and even $1. I also tried low CPC keywords but those aren't getting any impressions and...