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  1. U

    Seeking Help Looking for somene to sell a website script (source code)

    Hi, I have developed a website and I'm looking for a marketer to sell it on my behalf. As compensation, I am offering a commission of 50% About the script: This source code enables you to create an online earning website where users can earn money by completing various offers. The dashboard...
  2. Ma'at Hetep

    Help with Geo-location Script

    Hello members, So I will be glad to receive assistance with how to write a geolocation script. I just realized that it would require some proficiency with Javascript (JS) though at the moment I'm more conversant with HTML and CSS. I have been working on my landing pages using my code editor...
  3. N

    Script for in your (city name) (location)

    How do you make it say on your landing page: we have this product in your (city name, or town)? So stating your users location. Thank you.
  4. B

    Script for browser back button redirect

    I am looking for a script that will redirect a site visitor to a page that I set when they click the back button in their browser, instead of going to the page they were on previously. I searched the forum and web but couldn't find a working code. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Steve @ Voluum

    Script to protect a landing page from spy tools

    In a typical scenario, your landing page is available for anyone that has a link to it. This means that it can be viewed by someone who didn't go through your campaign URL and may have other intent than taking your offer. Without right protection, it can get ripped at an insane speed and keep...
  6. abdelhadi1234

    Script for promotting chrome extension

    Hi, i have see some script that don't let you left the web page till you install a chrome extension or at lease you click the boutton , but i can't find these kind of page again . can someone send me a link or a script for this kind of pages
  7. S

    (help) Script To Hide Traffic And Keyword From Network

    Dear fellow marketers I am currently looking for a script that I can insert into my landing page that will hide my traffic source and keywords that people coming from from my cpa network. I am asking this because the owner of the cpa product is starting to ask me strange questions and starting...
  8. S

    Need Help With CPAGrip php rss feed script

    As of today I have joined cpagrip to monetize my android app but for know I came to a problem I am using a php script to load offers from cpagrip this works great for text based links and thumbnail links but I don't know how to filter the cpagrip offers inside the php script for a certain offer...
  9. S

    Selling Web Design & Web Developing [SERVICE]

    Hello fellas! I am in web development for more than 9 years now and I love it! I was learning all these years, creating projects for myself and testing. More than a year ago I've started selling my services and now I am fully focused on it. If you need a landing page or any kind of website, I...
  10. Ayaz

    How do i make a landing page like this?

    Hello there, I am new here. I want to make a landing page like does anybody know that or anyone know any tutorial online or how to rip a landing page like this that will be great Thank you :)
  11. Sashoy

    I need help with PHP script installing on my site

    Hello there, I purchased some GPT script from seoclerks (the guys who sold it to me didn`t installed it right), so I will need someone with experience in php to test it if its working, and eventually to install it on my site and I hope everything will run smoothly.
  12. Jeff_Z

    Looking For Programmer for coreg real-time lead posting to CRM

    We are looking to hire a programmer to write a script to handle the following: We are an agency that is working with a coreg company that sends leads to us in real time via URL. We need a script that runs on our domain that processes the leads from the coreg company and then immediately sends...