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  1. C

    Seeking Help How to Run Dating Smartlink Ads on In-Page Push Without Rejection?

    Hi, in-page push sites rejected my dating smartlink as they triggered multiple antivirus alerts. I don't control the smartlink. How can I resolve this issue? My flow: Ads → Smartlink Thank you.
  2. Franke

    Buying Traffic In-House Adult Dating Smartlink by LeadStuff – Weekly Payments & Top Payouts!

    Hey Affiliates! We're thrilled to announce our latest offer at LeadStuff – our exclusive in-house adult dating smartlink that's designed to bring you higher conversions and steady weekly payouts! Why promote LeadStuff’s dating smartlink? Top-performing smartlink with adult dating offers...
  3. Zeydoo

    Guide Working with Smartlink: how it works and gets your profit

    Is working with a smartlink as beneficial as they say? When should you use a smartlink and when - a direct link? How does smartlink optimization work? How much money do you need for tests? Today the Zeydoo team will answer all the questions concerning the Smartlink technology that worry every...
  4. Zeydoo

    Case Study How a media buyer can get maximum profit with upcoming holidays on Sweepstakes

    The end of fall and up till mid January is the time when people are eager to spend money on themselves and their loved ones. And businesses are more than happy to give them this opportunity with big bonuses and different gifts. Which makes this time perfect for both advertisers and publishers...
  5. AdsEmpire

    Case Study: How a dating Smartlink helps you earn over $4,000 monthly

    Hello everyone! In this article you can read an account of a case study from our partner. A small tip: if you want to find out about the bonus that everybody can get, there’s information about this down at the bottom. For over a year I’ve been working with a native traffic source. My primary...
  6. iMonetizeIt

    *CASE STUDY* |$747 Profit| on iMonetizeIt IVR Dating and Sweepstakes offers from Push

    Hi everyone, today we want to share work of our partner with IVR offers. They’re quaite new at Dating and Sweepstake verticals, so the result was remarkable for him. I took Geo Tier 3-4 and sent traffic from these countries directly to IVR Dating offers, for campaigns I selected 3 locations...
  7. Mishuk

    what is the best Dating smartlink network?

    Hi, I'm searching a great dating smartlink network. I have all Geo's traffic. Please suggest me.Thanks
  8. iMonetizeIt

    Ask Me Anything Case Study: 2479$ on Dating Smartlink from TikTok

    Hello! Start the year with big money! To your attention a fresh Case Study from our partner with a profit of $2479 on Dating Smartlink iMonetizeit and popular traffic source TikTok. The profitable scheme is already below, write your comments ;) Network: iMonetizeIt Offer: Smartlink Date...
  9. Phuc TruongVan

    Looking For Good traffic for smartlink and auto active camp ??

    Hello everyone ! I'm a newbie . i looking good traffic for smartlink , easy setup campaign and auto run campaign ! So anyone can recomend for any network ads ! thanks
  10. S

    CPA Smartlink yealnk

    hey guys , i was spying on cpa offers , i found this smartlink like in 60 - 80 % ads , its everywhere here is the smartlink domain name > yealnk '' com / afu.php can anyone please tell me what cpa network this smartlink belongs to thanks,

    Affiliates Wanted MOBIPIUM 15% Summer Bonus!!!!!

    Guys! In MOBIPIUM we're so happy that summer is finally here that we feel like giving money away! Do you run Dating / Casino / e-Commerce / Sweepstakes or Mobile Content Offers? SIGN UP as an affiliate, pick any offer from our Market and cash the revenue that you generate with a 15% extra...

    Affiliates Wanted MOBIPIUM Push Notifications Smartlink!

    Most of you are probably familiar with our Push Smartlink. But we have news for you: the performance is EVEN BETTER now. Not that the algorithm wasn't good before (many users have described it as the best performing Push Notifications Smartlink in the industry) , but our IT Team has perfected...
  13. Clickadu Denis

    Clickadu Smartlink - Traffic wanted

    Hey guys, You surely don't want to miss this opportunity to score! Clickadu team has combined 4 TOP verticals into 4 different SmartLinks and hammer out the best possible conditions for you (SOI up to $5, DOI up to $12, PPS up to $250). All the bundles are tested and approved by our...
  14. luckyboy

    Need Advice About Smartlink

    Hi guys.Ihave a question about Pop ads and smartlink campaign.I am testing various traffic sources with default smartlink,but no prelander and the conversions are very low.Are u guys using a prelander for smartlink camapign for better conversion?Is it going to increase the conversions?I thought...
  15. Emma Natifico

    Smartlink for iOS APP available for wide range of geos

    Hello ladies and gentlemen! I just got a smartlink for iOS APP available for wide range of geos. Reach us to get your traffic evaluated and be launched. Budget is huge! Geos and Payouts are below: Screenshot - 0372085aaff08cd568b8b9e85cc7c5c3 - Gyazo Sign up: Registration | Natifico by PBM Group Ltd
  16. Ma'at Hetep

    Yes I'm a Newbie :)

    Here's my second post on the forum after introducing myself :) So I have been looking through some of the threads on the forum especially the ones related to some of the questions I would have asked. At this point I have a few things I'm wondering about. The first one is about using EPC as...
  17. Phill AdsBridge

    Announcement TOP converting verticals for our Smartlinks

    Let me represent you our TOP verticals with the highest conversions for the last week. Welcome verticals with their eCPM: 1) Dating - $173 2) Mobile Content Adult - $148 3) Adult Pills - $134 4) Diet & Weight Loss - $132 5) Cams - $75 Smartlinks in 8 the most popular and the most actual...
  18. Adam80Johnson

    Why Smart link is a good choice

    Hi! Today I would like to share my experience of using smart links. Before start, I made some research on Google to compare different points of view from dedicated blogs. Below is a summary. Smart link advantages: You can send your traffic on any GEO (no targeting required) Conversions are...
  19. Muhammad Hamza

    Affiliates Wanted AdsWick - Finest Exclusive Offers

    Hi AdsWick is a Next Generation Affiliate Network. AdsWick has been ranked as one of the best CPA Network solutions for Dating and Casino offers. Start Money Making with Our Smart Links You can create smart link of each category and we provide tips for preferred Geos to maximize your profit...
  20. B

    Weight Loss & Other Smartlinks

    Are there any affiliate networks that offer weight loss smartlinks and other smartlinks besides adult/dating? I already know about imonitizeit and los pollos.