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social networks

  1. Premeier_ak

    What is a traffic source -Tumbrl

    I would like to ask a question to those who have already advertised something or collected subscribers from Tumbrl. I myself do not understand and understand in promotion of posts and profile in this social network. If you have had experience with this social network write below, Your cases or...
  2. drixr

    Hello, joined the forum

    Hi, seems like a great place. I own a social network site and would love to have some affiliates :)
  3. webDOMinator

    CSP Causes Slow Death for Embedded Browser Bots

    The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability. -Henry Ford The Death of Embedded Browser Bots? There's a new thing top sites are using now which has to do with browser content security policies (CSP). As the title of this article...
  4. Ethan Taylor

    Ideal places for advertising a squeeze page of social network marketing niche?

    Let's say I will be giving away a free ebook by using a squeeze page in order to build an email list of "Instagram marketing" niche. Where would be the ideal places for advertising such a squeeze page? I hope my subscribers will not be just "freebie seekers" and will be willing to buy products...
  5. Farazdaq

    Pop-up/Pop-under Promotion

    Hello, I want to ask you about the 2 promotion methods which is Pop-up/Pop-under Promotion. Can someone explain me in details about these 2 traffic sources and also pros and cons of the traffic. Thanks
  6. whenyoubelive

    How to build your website link with social networking

    Làm thế nào để lựa chọn liên kết tiếp thị trong các mạng xã hội như facebook, twitter, pintenrest ...
  7. whenyoubelive

    How to SEO wep on top of social networks?

    I've shared my wep on social networks such as facebook, twitter .. but the effect has yet to significantly bring. Wep page on top of google I have not been. how to wep page on top. Please help me.
  8. G

    Selling Get-SMS com - online service for receiving SMS and PVA - automatic service for verification accounts of social networks via SMS. Features: fast and automatic receiving SMS many supported social networks and the ability to add support for new services opportunity to receive several SMS, but paid for one excellent API for developers...
  9. azgold

    The Hard Truth About Social Media And What You Need to Do About It

    This morning, as I was scanning the news online, I happened upon an article by Jeff Bullas, titled, The Hard Truth About Social Media And What You Need to Do About It Bullas begins by talking about the 'old' days of social media, "This was global and virtual connections at scale." He then...
  10. emily bizprofits

    How the Latest Instagram Algorithm Update Will Affect the Marketing Strategy of Brand Promoters

    The Instagram algorithm is undergoing a dramatic update that will soon affect the way online markets promote offers on one of the biggest social networks around. The update itself is very simple, it reorders images and videos in users’ feeds based on their interests. The reason for the update...
  11. azgold

    [NEWS] Waffle - Samsung's New Social App

    Seems that Samsung has decided that collaboration is missing from our social networks. We all 'post alone' on our social accounts. Geez, that sounds depressing! To remedy that, Samsung has launched a new app they've named Waffle. According to this article by Stan Schroeder on Mashable, Waffle...
  12. A

    looking for spam software

    Hello everyone, I'm in a training on web-marketing and i have to find a spam software for social networks (instagram/pinterest/facebook) I have already found for twitter, i took white hat, but I don't think it works for those other social networks. In advance thanks for your answers and your help.