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split test

  1. S

    A Beginners Guide To Split Testing | 3 Keys To Doing It Successfully

    Landing pages, emails, and ads are all things you should be split testing if you want to maximize your affiliate marketing results, but if you rush into it without knowing what you’re doing you’ll end up doing more harm than good. So make sure you read this whole post, to get some key pointers...
  2. B

    10000 vistor from popup is enogh for optimizing ?

    Hello Guyes is 10000 visitor for for mobile is enough to know wheather to stay and optimise this campaign or move to next offer ?
  3. milan02

    who try clickmagick ??

    hello iwant do a split test of my landing pages and my offers and i want best tool and cheap so i find this clickmagick who try this before and did it work with mobile like voluum ?
  4. J

    My Campaign using Banner Displays on Adcash

    Hi I am using various ad formats on Adcash and trying to learn more about the traffic source. I used Pop unders on "My first Campaign with Adcash". I am still working on it, Trying to reach breakeven. This time i am using banner displays and bidding on CPM basis. I have taken another offer...