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successful mindsets

  1. Honeybadger

    What is Commitment?

    I'd imagine only 1% or 2% make it That's probably being very generous For every 100 affiliates MAYBE 1 or 2 earn serious bucks Could be incorrect --> more likely 1 or 2 in 500 Maybe 3-5% earn some pocket money The rest 95% fail in year one without earning anything The main difference is not...
  2. T J Tutor

    The Dickens Pattern & Process - IMPORTANT!!!

    Watch this! Take notes! Implement this! REPEAT! Dickens Pattern part 2 by Tony Robbins
  3. T J Tutor

    The Fear of Everything

    Fear of Losing Fear of Loss Fear of Failure Fear of Rejection Fear of Being Judged by Others Fear of Being Scammed Fear of Looking Bad Fear of the Unknown Fear of Embarrassment And the list goes on.... Embracing fears of any kind is simply a way out of taking action, taking risks, and taking...