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tech support

  1. Stencil

    [NEED HELP] Looking for Call tracking and routing solution for France, Germany & Japan

    I have been doing Pay Per Call campaigns for (Tech) quite sometime Mostly US and CA regions only. I was first using Trackdrive and then migrated to Ringba. But since the demand rose for Calls from FR, DE and JP ; I am looking for call tracking and routing solutions for these regions. Ringba...
  2. M

    Sell high quality traffic for tech support!

    Hello everyone! I have a great experience in tech support. Now I'm mainly working with iOS traffic. Thanks
  3. N

    Review PPV networks for tech support.

    Hello can anyone help me with a list of ppv networks that allow running tech support offers. Please provide a brief review about their ROI as well.
  4. Sandeep Narula

    Affiliates Wanted Great Payouts Offered - Tech Support Calls

    If you are a Network or Affiliate, lucrative payouts offered to all Tech Support Publishers. Its best if you have your own tracking platform, even if you don't we'll use ours. We are always interested in scaling more, hence prepayment is not an issue. Hit me up Skype:- sandeepnarula.sandeep
  5. W

    Pay Per Call

    Hi I am Wasif. I need 200 to 300 tech support pay per call. If anyone can please contact me.
  6. C

    Tech Support

    I run traffic (pay per call) for call centers usually tech support. I am looking for new call centers to work with