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tips & tricks

  1. Anna Voluum DSP

    7 Advertisers’ Mistakes to Avoid

    7 Advertisers’ Mistakes to Avoid by Katarzyna Glondys Read here TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Getting Discouraged Quickly Not Making Use of Documentation and Guidelines Not Double-Checking your URLs and Set Up Putting Quantity Over Quality Just Repeating what Others Do Promoting too Many...
  2. Honeybadger

    What is the best date format in 2021?

    I get alot of ideas and write alot of notes, diagrams, system plans, so on (gets it out my head so I can focus what I'm doing), and for many years it was on paper, stacking up piles of notebooks that never got used or re-read mainly because the information wasn't organized - eventually I scanned...
  3. rose@bluefriday

    Greetings from China! Hi this is Rose@BlueFriday

    sorry guys this thread is being edited, please view other posts.
  4. René Wagner

    Cheap Native Ad Network

    Hey guys, Im searching for a great native ad network for Biz ops traffic. The daily budget should be very low (like 10$ minimum a day) Do you guys have some tipps? Or is it maybe possible to lower the minimum daily budget on some networks? I just want to test so i dont want to blow away 100$...
  5. Abid Hyder43772

    I am a Professional Blogger

    Hi Friends welcome, This Is a Professional .I love doing work which make a ,that's why i love .You will love exploring on my .Live your as much as you can because "Your time is limited so don't waste it by living someone else" ~~Bill Gates~~ 100