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  1. Zeydoo

    Guide Driving traffic to finance offers: vertical overview + tips from media buyers

    Finance vertical in media buying is one of the most stable branches with big volumes, high rates and the opportunity to get the ROI you expected every month. In Zeydoo we deal with thousands of conversions in finance each month and are ready to share our experience. In this article you’ll see...

    Ask Me Anything mVas offers as the universal solution for media buyers

    One of our top verticals at ADLEADPRO is the mVas vertical (if you don’t remember what it is or missed our article, check it out here). We have seen many different scenarios playing out before us as affiliates start working with these offers: both successful cases and cases where it would be...
  3. Olagoke Tobi Enoch

    Urgent!!! What's the Use of VPS, Tracker and Verticals in Affiliate Marketing?

    Hello FIX'ers. @TJ Tutor recently set immediate goals for a new member of the forum - he is also new to Affiliate Marketing. The goals included 1. Get a VPS. 2. Get a Vertical. 3. Get a Tracker 4. Get a Traffic Source. My question goes thus. Why do I need to achieve goals 1-3? What are the...
  4. C

    Which vertical am I?

    Hey, just trying to determine exactly which vertical I would fall into? My business is involved in data collecting, and we're currently looking for users to download our new software off the Chrome or Firefox store. I have created Ad copy and images for several offers that involve giving away...
  5. Ganoaffiliate

    Is Gaming Vertical Still Good?

    Hello FIX'ers I'm really new to IM and REALLY new to Mobile AM. I happy to say that I'm loving this business and I know (for sure) some day I will make it, for what I have read I have concluded that one of the key facts to get started is choosing a vertical (Hope Im not wrong) . I like the...
  6. Nasir Uddin

    Need Clear Understading about Angle in CPA

    If verticals mean the sector or niches; then what does the Angle means in CPA industry? Can anybody please explain the Vertical and Angle differences and what are those? Thanks.