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video affiliate program

  1. Eaton Kramer

    Seeking Help Testing The Source Video Search service

    Hello all! I'm currently seeking a webmaster who is interested in installing a widget on their website or on one or more pages of website. The widget is designed to search for the source video according to the passage that the user is watching. This could be a compilation, an excerpt from a...
  2. Honeybadger

    What's Your Funniest Movie Scene?

    Share a video clip from your favourite funniest movie or TV show scene Mine is the restaurant scene from Mickey Blue Eyes Couldn't breath it was so funny
  3. Honeybadger

    Find & Get Paid For Video Stock Footage

    Ok 3 questions rolled into one post 1 --> What are best websites to find free or premium affordable video stock footage? 2 --> Are there any platforms that pay you for video stock footage? 3 --> Do either 1 or 2 run affiliate programs? // I can find this out later