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  1. W


    Did Pathmatics purchase Whatrunswhere? If so any alternative to Pathmatics/Whatrunswhere that is cheaper?
  2. JohnWRW

    WhatRunsWhere - Affiliate Ads Filtering for Native Ads

    Hi everyone! WhatRunsWhere has begun rolling out their series of features to support the affiliate marketers and networks to continue to identify top performing campaigns and strategies across display and native. Over the weekend, we launched Show Only Affiliate Ads filters across Top Ads...
  3. Mobidea

    Spy Tools Comparison and How To Spy For Free!

    Whether you’re only just beginning your media buying master path or you already see yourself as the ultimate money game super pro, it’s always important to follow the market’s cutting-edge trends to stay on top! How the heck are you supposed to do that? By spying your faceless competitors...
  4. Dmitry.bzns

    WhatRunsWhere: Find LPs MOBILE?

    Hi, How do I find list of mobile landing pages with WRW? If the offers is the App install, no actual website.