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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Honeybadger

    Smartphone Affiliate Journey 2021

    The aim of this thread is to find ways of making affiliate income through a smartphone - no computer, no laptop, no tablet, just your smartphone and internet connection Next thing gonna post a big brainstorm list with all the ways to make money from affiliate marketing on phone, then after that...
  2. AffiliateAF

    Offer Wanted Looking offers to convert Wi-Fi traffic

    Hi guys, I'm looking for offers to convert my wi-fi traffic in NL, FR, BR, DE, EG, FI, TH, YE, MX, AR, NG and BD Any suggestions?
  3. Daria_WapEmpire

    Two ways to monetize your mixed trafic

    1. International (or multi-GEO) offers There are different types of international offers you can find at WapEmpire. Some of them allow any GEO, the others work for a limited number of countries. Both have names beginning with INT or WW. How to check what GEOs the offer allows? 1) From the...
  4. Mobidea

    3G and Wifi - Working with Adnetworks

    I think it’s important for newbie affiliates to understand how to work with adnetworks as far as 3G and Wifi traffic is concerned. In fact, you’ll find some adnetworks which allow you to split 3G and Wifi, and others that won’t. If you work with adnetworks that can’t split 3G and Wifi, you...
  5. PJ Martin

    Wifi Traffic in Cellular only campaigns

    I'm using voluum and it reports tons of wifi traffic in some campaigns that were targeted just for carrier traffic, with some traffic sources. I'm not talking about a low percentage, but from 20 to up to 70% or more.. After contacting one of this networks today (ADCash) they say on their side...