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★ PPC Training from the Million Dollar Affiliate - Jeremy Palmer

Linda Buquet

New Member
Most of you know about Jeremy Palmer, who is referred to as the "Million Dollar Affiliate"
because he earned 1.4 million dollars in affiliate marketing in one year. What some of you may not know is he did it almost entirely through PPC. So if there is anyone that knows PPC, it's Jeremy!

A new video training program will allow you to watch over Jeremy's shoulder as he builds high revenue PPC campaigns and teaches you the strategies he used to make a million. He does it all through affiliate marketing, not his own product and he doesn't even build a list (as so many IMers tell you to).

The FREE video really shows you a lot of what he does and how he does it and is worth a watch. I learned several good tips.

Read the rest over at the 5 Star Blog and
be sure to catch the FREE video on the 2nd page.
<a href="">Million Dollar Affiliate Reveals PPC Secrets</a>

Then come back and tell us what you think!
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Just did another 5 Star blog about PPC Classroom - it launches Tuesday.

"Doing PPC for affiliate marketing is different and much harder than doing it for your own company and your own products says Karl Barndt. In the video below, Karl, a copywriter and marketing consultant at Direct Response Pro gives an entertaining and enlightening overview of the challenges that come with trying to run PROFITABLE PPC affiliate campaigns.

You need to find the right offers that convert yet aren't totally competitive, you need to worry more about quality score, your landing page is more critical and you need to have the right layout and presell to boost conversions.

Karl also makes a great case for getting into PPC Classroom which offers in-depth, over-the-shoulder training into the exact methods Jeremy Palmer uses to generate his <strong>Million Dollar PPC Affiliate campaigns</strong>.

Catch the video and the rest of this post at the 5 Star blog.
<a href="">PPC Affiliates - Don’t Let Google Eat Your Lunch - Video</a>

Enjoy! :)
Since I'm good friends with Anik he gave me a back stage pass to PPC Classroom and I've have spent the weekend reviewing previews of all the training material Jeremy Palmer and Anik are offering and watching a video of the HOT new PPC tool they will launch Tuesday.

I have to tell you, this is a power-packed course that is no-holds barred and will deliver absolutely everything that's promised! I don't often endorse IM products or programs, but anyone that knows Jeremy, and watches the video previews here, will see that this program is the key to success for anyone serious about PPC affiliate marketing.

Anik just let me know to make it easier for affiliates that want this
in-depth, no-holds-barred PPC Affiliate training, but could not afford it,
they are now offering a newEASY 3 MONTH PAYMENT PLAN.

Plus due to the server problems they are extending the early bird bonuses.
(one of the coolest is a list of 135 of Jeremy Palmer’s Affiliate Programs
that Made Him Over $1.4 Million in 2006!

Please head to the 5 Star Blog for complete details.
<a href="">PPC Classroom EASY 3 Month Payment Plan +++ Bonuses Extended</a>

Hope some of you are able to get in on this.
This sounds like a very good and amazing learning experience Linda, unfortunately even with a 3 month payment plan this is too expensive for me.

I hope other payment terms can be put in place :(

I just noticed those two free videos mentioned on the blog aren't available anymore as well :(

If you have not yet,
you REALLY need to at least watch the 2 FREE PPCclassroom video previews here
, I've told Anik I think he's giving away too much info for free in these videos. You will not only see the power of PPC Classroom, but if you watch closely you'll get some insights into Jeremy's methods that will help boost your PPC profitability.

*Sigh* :)
Yeah, i did a search for it on Youtube as well and found those videos but nothing other then promoting the launch and the value of it is being told, not any type of training or tips though.

I really hope a more affordable payment plan solution can be worked out because then i would definitely jump right on it!

Or rob a bank :D just to get the opportunity to have access to this course ;)
Most people are failing to forget that Jeremy had special rules given to him by many merchants whereby he could bid on their trademark terms and got bigger payouts etc. This is out of reach for the regular affiliate or newbie or pretty much anyone else.

Im sure the course is practical and informative, but people need to remember that you won't be able to do exactly what Jeremy did/does.

Its kinda like someone saying to me that I have a chance to beat them in a car race, only they'll be driving the Ferrari and I'll be driving the Honda Civic..
I don't think anyone is saying that just because you take the course you'll become a million dollar affiliate. But if it takes you from 1,000 a month in profit to 3,000 a month or 7,000 to 12,000 a month or 5,000 - 30,000 a month then it's probably worth investing less than a grand for that kind of upside potential.

I think a more important question than how much does it cost, is how much will you personally invest in learning and applying everything. It's a ton of info and I guarantee there will be those that buy it and never get through 50% of it, then get distracted into the next new thing.

So if you can afford to buy it, you need to look at how committed you are to the learning time and then implementing what you learn. I'm pretty confident that those that really dig in could get a big enough boost to be able to cut special deals with merchants too.
But if it takes you from 1,000 a month in profit to 3,000 a month or 7,000 to 12,000 a month or 5,000 - 30,000 a month then it's probably worth investing less than a grand for that kind of upside potential.

Would it benefit someone who is starting at $0 profit per month?
Hi Long Road

Wish I had come across your post earlier.

If you are not making any money at all online, you really need to change your approach.

PPC is great for those who understand it and there is an initial learning period when you will lose money.

Consider other ways to make money online that do not require an investment of capital. eg adsense and affiliate marketing via an optimized website. Once you are making some money from this, should take you about 3 months if you work hard and pick a good niche, then you can invest your money in PPC.

Shame the videos are no longer available. Would have been interesting.
Thank you so much for the link, Linda. I'm so glad I found 5 Star Affiliate Programs and so grateful for all the great information and guidance I've already found here. Incredible forum! :)
Hi VoltandVolume and welcome.

But this thread is from 2007. 9 years later I don't even know if Jeremy is still around or what he's doing. ;)