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22 Add to carts but no sales


Active Member
Hi all, I'm running a Facebook campaign promoting a print on demand mug. This mug is a popular design. I'm doing $50 ad sets. I've narrowed down the age and gender to target.

So far, I've got 22 add to carts and 0 sales. I've spent $100 in total on 2 ad sets.

I'm targeting worldwide. Not just in the USA.

What could be the reason why I don't get any sales?

My theory is that, because the POD company ships from USA, people in Ethopia, or other worldwide countries see the shipping cost at checkout and think it's way too expensive. In other words, they are fine with the cost of the mug, but not the shipping.

What are your thoughts?
My theory is that, because the POD company ships from USA, people in Ethopia, or other worldwide countries see the shipping cost at checkout and think it's way too expensive. In other words, they are fine with the cost of the mug, but not the shipping.
POD print on demand or alien body snatcher pods :D
Buy traffic in the area of the shipper -- amazon ships free with prime
I am not going to buy a custom printed coffee mug for $14.99 and pay $8 shipping. Ship to Ethiopia is like $50 + duty???
Do you get any data about the add to cart customers
Yes, they all come from third world countries. eg Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Yemin etc. The average amount of time spent on my site is 40 seconds. I'm targeting 18-24 males because my ppe campaign showed that this was the predominant demographic who "liked" my ad.

So far, I've received no Initiate Checkouts or Purchases. My plan is to retarget the people who added to cart using Facebook ads. I'm going to create a custom audience for View Content and create a Reach Objective campaign to remarket to people who are in the lower part of my sales funnel. I need at least 100 add to carts to do this.
Have you tried a real purchase of the product as a new customer?
try using a way to surf from your target countries
also take note of avg salary & competitor offers
Thanks for the input. I haven't tried purchasing the product (it's a mug).

I haven't tried noting the average salary or competitors offers. I don't have any spy tool other than Facebook Ads Library.

I also tested 2 $50 adsets targeting USA but I didn't receive any add to carts.

The cost per landing page view for USA is much higher than worldwide targeting.

For the USA adsetes, my average ctr from ad to product page is 14.47%. My cost per landing page view is $1.72.